Entry Permits

for all visitors to Raja Ampat Marine Park

For information on CoVid-19 and its impact on activities Raja Ampat, please Click Here

In order to best manage the Marine Park, and ensure its sustainable use long in the future, it is crucial that all visitors comply with permit regulations.

Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority has regular field patrols and surveillance posts that check permits of individuals and tourism operators.  To avoid any interruptions to your activities, please ensure you have the necessary permits and are able to provide them for inspection as needed.

All visitors and tourists to Raja Ampat Marine Park, whether they be international or Indonesian citizens, are required to obtain the following relevant permits. Entering the Marine Park without the required permits is a violation against the Marine Park Rules and Regulations.

All Visitors and Tourists

All Visitors and Tourists are required to pay their Environmental Service Fee in order to receive a Marine Park Entry card.  Please click here for purchase locations.

This entry card essential for entering the park, and helps to ensure that the park is managed sustainably over the long term.


By law, all Liveaboards operating in Raja Ampat are required to obtain the required permits to enter Raja Ampat Marine Park.  Entering and/or operating within the Marine Park without the required permits is a violation of Marine Park Regulations.  Please click here for more detailed information.


Foreign Vessels

All Foreign Vessels, including private yachts, that enter Raja Ampat Marine Park (and wider Indonesia) are required by law to register a Vessel Declaration HERE
 before entering entering the country.  Once registration is complete, a printed copy of the registration must be given to Customs upon first entry into Indonesia.  This Vessel Declaration is valid for 3 years (single entry only).  If the Vessel exits Indonesia prior to the 3 year expiry, a new Vessel Declaration must be obtained to re-enter Indonesia.  

Foreign Vessels should enter Indonesia at a port with a Vessel Declaration Facility at the Customs office. At time of writing, these ports include: Ambon, Saumlaki, Sorong, Biak, Belitung, Bali, Nunukan, Batam, Tual, Kupang and Sabang.  If entering Indonesia at a port without a Vessel Declaration facility, the Foreign vessel must still report to customs and immigration, and then directly go to a port with a Vessel Delcaration facility.  In addition, all foreign vessels will need port clearance from the local Harbour Master.

Cruise Ships

In order to enter Raja Ampat, all cruise ships must obtain a visit permit in advance from the Raja Ampat Regency Government before entering the Raja Ampat area.
In order to enter the Raja Ampat Marine Park, all passengers on board are required to be in possession of a valid Marine Park Entry Card

Cruise Raja Ampat Vessel Permit

Copyright © BLUD UPTD Pengelolaan KKP Kep. Raja Ampat 2020.