Protected Species

Raja Ampat Marine Park

Protected Species

Raja Ampat Marine Park

The species indicated below are listed as Protected Species under the law of Raja Ampat Regency and/or The Republic of Indonesia. This list includes species currently known to be present in Raja Ampat at time of writing. There may be additional species protected by the Republic of Indonesia, that are not yet documented as present in the region. For a full list of all species protected please refer to the “Legal Base” option in the table below.


With respect to species listed as protected, any and all persons are prohibited to: 

  • Catch, injure, kill, keep, posses, care for, transport and trade in a protected animal species in a live condition.
  • Keep, posses, care for, transport and trade in a protected animal species in dead condition.
  • Transfer a protected animal species from one place to another, both inside and outside Indonesian borders 
  • Trade, keep or posses skin, bodies or other parts of a protected animal, or goods made of parts of the animal, or transfer from one place in Indonesia to another, within or outside Indonesia.
  • Take, destroy, exterminate, trade, keep, or posses eggs and/or a nest of a protected animal.

Violations related to Protected Species will be treated as criminal acts and will result in legal action against the perpetrator(s).

What Would You Do To Save A Species?

From selling to saving.. learn how Bapak Florens Dimara, a local man in Fam, Raja Ampat, protects Coconut Crabs and helps ensure a future for this protected species.

Video: Conservation International Indonesia

Copyright © BLUD UPTD Pengelolaan KKP Kep. Raja Ampat 2020.