Legal Framework

Legal Framework

The legal basis for securing and protecting the Raja Ampat Regency Waters and Raja Ampat Marine Protected Areas are supported by the following:

  1. Governor of West Papua’s Decree Number 523/124/7/2019 on Management and Zoning Plan – Raja Ampat Marine Protected Areas, West Papua Province 2019-2038
  2. West Papua Governor Regulation Number 4 of the Year 2019 on The Tariff for Maintaining Environmental Services by the Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority
  3. Minister of Marine and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia’s Decree Number 63/KEPMEN-KP/2014 on Management and Zoning Plan Raja Ampat Islands and Surrounding Seas Nature Reserve in West Papua Province 2014-2034
  4. Minister of Marine and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia’s Decree Number 36/KEPMEN-KP/2014 on Marine Protected Areas of the Raja Ampat Islands, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province 
  5. Minister of Marine and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree Number Kep.65 / men / 2009, on the Establishment of the Conservation area of West Waigeo Islands and Surrounding Areas Marine Reserve in the Province of West Papua
  6. Raja Ampat Regency Regulation Number 5 of the Year 2009 onMarine Protected Areas, Raja Ampat Regency
  7. Raja Ampat Regency Regulation Number 27 of the Year 2008 on Marine Protected Areas, Raja Ampat Regency 

In addition to the above, all local, regency, provincial and national laws apply.

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